Friday, October 3, 2008

After weeks on the couch - I'm running the Portland Marathon

Well, I got a bit bored, a little agitated, a little hazy, dopey, and a little stir-crazy not training.. so I decided to put in a few days Marathon training and go run my first Marathon! Steve, Trevor, & I ran on Saturday. I was amazed how much fitness I had lost just by watching TV and drinking beer for 3-4 weeks. After 20 miles at 7:30 pace I was about 5 beats about lactic threshold doing 8 min pace. Yikes. Let's see how the marathon goes -- but I'm thinking Marathon's are kinda a tough thing and require more than a weeks specific training to get close to the initial 3:15 target I had. Now I think I would be happy to go under 3:30.. Like I said, this will be quite an experiment!

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